Tuesday, 22 July 2014

500 children will receive Swim to Survive training...

SEALS Swim:  Swimming Education Awareness Life Skills

Although the media wants to focus on an incomplete crossing attempt, it fails to recognize that the effort and determination put into this journey is to save lives within Ontario from drowning.  I will not downplay my exhausting efforts in and out of the waters the past 2 summers to raise awareness about this preventable cause of death and to raise funds to offer the basic skills to survive an unexpected fall into deep water to children. Yes, both years the solo swim event was altered by Mother Nature; however, this in and of itself should speak volumes to those who learn about water and boating safety. This is the reality of our Great Lakes; so many people do not educate themselves before they head to the beach or out in their boats and succumb to the forces out there.  Our weather mapping is only a tool and a guideline, the winds, waves, and current are ever moving and can pick up unexpectedly.  The attempt last weekend is living proof that when you take the proper precautions, are aware of the conditions, and don't try to beat the lake you can have a safe swim, you can have a safe boat ride.  We took swimming and boating safety to the extreme this past weekend, but we were also well equipped with very experienced crew consisting of Boat Captains with many years of Lake Huron experience, Coast Guard Auxiliary, 2 paramedics, a nurse and 9 lifeguards.  It was their expertise, quick actions and ability to adapt that made for a successful journey. Let SEALS Swim to Survive solo swims be examples of safe a responsible water practices.

In addition to being leading examples on the Great Lakes, efforts in fundraising will offer 500 children the opportunity to receive Swim to Survive training!  Yes, this was not our goal, but this is 500 more children in Ontario that will be offered a life skill (which otherwise they may never have the chance to learn). Can you imagine if every family in Ontario contributed $1.00 to our efforts how many children across our province would receive this life skill?

On July 19th 2014 the Lake Huron solo swim was abandoned due to poor weather conditions that were not predicted.  After 15 hours 48 minutes (35.8 kms) of dealing with water temperatures that went down to 63F, air temperature of 62F, head on waves of up to 1.3 meters the swim was abandoned to keep myself and crew safe.  To quote my swim master and triple crown marathon swimmer Marilyn Korzekwa, "the lake belongs to Mother Nature and She only sometimes allows us to cross".

Prevention = Life

Thank you to an amazing team:
Captain Wally MacKinnon and the "Ananda"
Captain Dave Palmer, Candace McLellan Palmer and "Far From Working"
Coast Guard Auxilary members:  Herbert Paetzold, Christopher Paetzold, Roy Bulizo and the "Mysis II"
Captain Larry Simpson, Morris Kelly and "Lazee Daze"
Captain Bert Vandendool and "Wicket C's" (thank you to Chuck Wick for use of Wicket C's)
Paramedic: Jon Cann
Paramedic/Lifeguard (Jack of all trades):  Scott Ruddle
Lifeguards:  Rocky Lu, Edwin Tang, Phillip Shalin, Danae Heaman
Lifeguards/Pacers:  Stephanie McEnery, Alexandra Ferguson, Kevin Ma and Adrian Wong
Ground Crew:  Fred and Nancy Burton
Assistant Coach/Nutritionist:  Bradley Burton
Swim Masters: Marilyn Korzekwa and Allan Fairweather
Coach/Manager/Husband: William Zehr

Yours truly,
Lesley Burton Zehr

Sunrise July 19, 2014              Photo credit to Scott Ruddle

Thursday, 17 July 2014

30 hours

Well it has been hard to contain my excitement today.  Among being a busy day of packing and preparing, I connected with our full crew to do my final touch base.  I also received notice that our communications have gone out to the Coast Guard that the swim is on!  

We are about to embark on an incredible journey across Lake Huron and I am so excited to do so with the amazing crew of volunteers that stepped forward this year.  The next 72 hours are going to be a whirlwind of emotions.

The spot tracker is now linked to the website, so you can follow our progress across the lake by clicking on the image www.sealsswim.com 

Be sure to come out to the Lions Beach, Goderich on Sunday to cheer us in and to meet the Lifesaving Society Public Education department to help kick of National Drowning Prevention week!

Tick Tock!

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

We are down to hours...

55.5 hours to be exact!

I am busy checking off boxes.

Tomorrow will be packing day and my final check in with all the crew members before I make my way to Harbor Beach!

Super excited, cannot believe the weekend is nearly here!

Had the opportunity to check out one of our Great Lakes this evening; Lake Ontario looking beautiful okay Lake Huron I know you are getting a little jealous :)

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

10 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy cow, 10 days till the swim is here!  Wow!

Is it just me or is time flying by?  The SEALS Swim to Survive event crew is getting the last details in place for the Lake Huron crossing.  Amazing what can happen when people pull together.  

The event is raising awareness about drowning prevention and will help kick off the National Drowning Prevention Week (July 19 - 27).  Proceeds raised go toward the Lifesaving Society's Swim to Survive programs.  Click here to watch a video about Swim to Survive programs.  Wondering how to donate?  Go to www.sealsswim.com, click the "donate now" button.  This will link you to the site!  Hey, thanks :) 

Wondering how you will know if the swim is happening, check out the website www.sealsswim.com updates will be posted 48 hours from the event date.  There will also be a link to the SPOT tracker, so you can track our progress across Lake Huron, how cool is that?  Wondering when the event date is, well 10 DAYS, July 19th!

With all the excitement and anxiousness I still must stress the purpose of this event is to raise awareness about drowning prevention.  To connect with families and remind them to think twice, or three times, about their plans for beach days, public swims, boat rides, backyard pool parties, the list goes on and on.  Be sure you know your abilities and know the dangers.  Take the precautions: never swim alone, stay within arms reach, know the water conditions, take a course, wear a lifejacket.  Did you know that reports show that there have been 48 drownings in Ontario already this year, 48!  We can all be a part of change.  Let's start making a difference.  Prevention = Life

10 DAYS!

Monday, 9 June 2014

40 Days...

40 days to go until the swim begins!!!

Develop your strengths
Own your thoughts
Embrace your passion
Be proud of your accomplishments

Training and practice is not always fun, but it is always worth it!  Loving my strength and anaerobic training at GoodLife Fitness; the instructors sure know how to make 5:45am seem like a great time of day.  This week will include BodyPump and RPM classes at the gym in addition to multiple long distance swims!

Want to learn more about SEALS Swim to Survive, visit our website www.sealsswim.com
On our website you can also learn how you can contribute to drowning prevention.  Be a part of change, prevention = life.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

2 months from the finish...

This past year has been one gigantic roller coaster ride.  It is hard to believe we are 2 months away from the swim!  It has taken countless hours to get to where we are today.

This endeavor has made me face a number of fears that makes completing the swim in itself a stressful task.  Stepping outside my comfort zone has been very challenging.  Asking for help has to be one of my weakest attributes; to ask for help, to ask for someone to believe in me and my passion to help others scares me more than anything I face in the waters.  It has been discouraging to read yet another annual drowning report to see that drownings are still increasing year over year.  Not to mention the doubt of skeptics :(  Yet despite the challenges I face, the discouraging statistics and the doubt I encounter I am prepared to continue to pursue this event to help promote drowning prevention and to promote water safety!  Whether Mother Nature cooperates this go around or not, whether I make it 42 km's or 75 km's I believe it is better to do something to help than nothing.  I am certainly not saying any sane person needs to tackle swimming across a lake to promote a cause but to persist and to overcome adversity.

Even when it is hard, seeing this quote every day helps to keep that optimism.  We can all be a part of change.  Prevention = Life

Swim with a buddy
Stay within arms reach
Wear a lifejacket
Stay clear of fast moving bodies of water
Take lessons
Prevention = Life

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

80 days

Yup, this is the countdown.  It has begun.  80 days to go until I am scheduled to push off from the shore of Harbor Beach Michigan and make the swim across Lake Huron.

Admittedly hearing there is still ice in Lake Huron is slightly frustrating!  We will hold on and see what this summer will bring.  Despite this, training is well under-way and just scheduling in the open water dates brrrrrr!

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Spring like weather on the way!?!

If the weather man is right, we just might have some above freezing temperatures this weekend! Could this be the end of this never-ending winter?  Hopefully the ice on the water ways starts to melt!

That being said, although it may be a great weekend to be outside enjoying some walking trails, make sure you keep children and pets away from all water ways!

Did you know that drownings in the winter/spring accounted for a quarter (27%) of drownings through out the time frame 2005-2009.  Where are people drowning, 6 in 10 are lakes/ponds/rivers/creeks. Drownings are occurring during non-water related activity such as walking near water or ice. (Canadian Drowning Report, Lifesaving Society 2012).

Remember prevention = life!