Monday, 22 July 2013

Throwing Assists & Reaching Assists

When planning a trip to the beach, make sure you equip yourself with a few items that could be the difference in the event of an emergency.  Below are some suggestions for throwing and reaching assists to take with you.

Throwing Assist - a buoyant object you can throw to a swimmer in distress to aid in their ability to stay above the water
- PFD (personal flotation device)
- flutter board
- water noodle

Reaching Assists - an object you can throw to a swimmer in distress and while maintaining a grasp on the other end pull the person to land
- rope
- towel
- tshirt
- paddle

Know your abilities and your children's abilities before entering the water.

Make sure you are familiar with your surroundings before you head into an open body of water.

Make sure someone else knows where you will be swimming.

Don't assume you will have cellular phone reception at all beaches, if you don't how would you get help if needed?


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